March 18, 2007

Dress Up

You might think my daddy is a little weird, because he likes to play dress up on the weekends. This weekend he decided to include me in his photo shoot for his “magazine cover.” As you can see, he was pretty excited. I was just trying to figure out what was going on.

We are a little blurry, but we look pretty happy here!

I can already feel the embarrassment my daddy will bring me when I am thirteen. I mean look at this guy!

Yes, daddy! Here I am. Good. As you can see I was not amused.

Here he is begging me to "get into it."

Wow! Cool hat.

Can I wear it?

Alright fine! GRRRRRRR for the camera. Here goes. Maybe he is not so embarrassing after all.

1 comment:

  1. Kaia,
    Loved the pictures of you and your dad. You look great in the hat.
