April 29, 2012


On the way to the mall today,  I asked daddy some questions about compasses. Little did I know that my curiosity about directions would get him excited enough to buy me one at the mall. What's more we found a cool orange one as part of a while discovery set! Complete with a little pack, magnifying glass, binoculars, flashlight and a bug viewing jar.

When we got home, he set up a treasure hunt for me, where I had to use the compass to find out which directions to walk and how many steps to take. After using my compass and his map, and walking about our house I found....

...this! The huge lollipop we bough at FAO Swartz in NYC during X-mas. Skye and I did a great job sharing it till we got a bit sick and saved the rest for later.

After a quick nap, daddy not us, we decided to take the discovery kit out in the great outdoors. (Our compound) I got dressed in my best explorer outfit and off we went.

We looked at bugs, in puddles, at trees, flowers and more. There were a few mosquitoes, but we understood that is the nature of nature and we carried on! We talked about education for girls and Daraja school. We talked about seeds and trees and the purpose of flowers. I asked questions and my asked more back.

It feels nice to spend time outside, look at things closely and ask questions.

April 28, 2012

The Week Lived

Nothing says a great day at school like dye stained hands.This day we were staining our paper mache animals.

Skye is rarely in  good morning, but on this day she was down right chipper. Begging daddy to take a picture with the statue.

We were so excited to have a candle bath a few nights ago.

I woke up early today and started drawing and writing in my scrapbook. I drew a circle and broke it up into sections. Then I wrote, " There are many things not okay with the Earth. People are killing too many animals."

Earlier this week, after I saw an art exhibition on Shark Fin soup I had this chat with daddy:

Me: We should send an email to everyone in the world telling them not to eat Shark Fin Soup
Daddy: We don't have everyone's email address.
Me: Why don't we put it on Twitter or a blog or something so they can see it and stop. 

I was floating and singing in the tub, when daddy came and grabbed this photo!

April 20, 2012

Ms. Adele!

My fantastic teacher from last year, Ms. Adele, came to Indonesia for a few days and I got to see her! I really miss her, so it was so great being able to spend some time with her. The good news is that she is moving to SE Asia, so I might get to see her more often in the future!

Note: We know that this is not a great picture, but Mom was trying to deal with Skye's tantrum while taking it, so the camera was a bit shaky! We still love it, though!

Our Fun Week!

We had a great week at school! On Thursday, it was Renaissance Day, so Skye and I dressed up as a princess and a court jester:

As you can see from her face, Skye was not having a very good morning, even though she was wearing a really pretty dress!

Today is Kartini Day, which is an Indonesian holiday, so everybody wore batik, which is the traditional clothing of Indonesia. Our mom took us out and got us these awesome dresses:

We love these dresses, and had a fantastic morning wearing them!

April 16, 2012

Sports Day!

As you can see, we had a blast!

April 15, 2012

Our Week in April

After sitting in traffic for quite sometime, both Skye and I fell asleep. Daddy sat in the car with us while mommy went grocery shopping. We were out cold!

That is until Skye woke up. She was not happy for hours later.

Sunday morning, I woke up and told daddy that we were going to make a snow globe. I learned from watching Special Agent OSO!

Everyone is giving daddy grief about his super long beard, but not Skye! She is growing one in solidarity.

Here we are Sunday evening being silly.

April 07, 2012

Grafitti, Sports, and Trikes

Been a busy, but fun week.Started off making some posters with my daddy for a project he is working on.

Then we had Sports Day at school. Here I cam in 2nd place on my race. There is a video coming too.

I have really been interested in fashion design, clothes and sewing lately. Here I am practicing cutting patterns from my daddy's old T-shirt.

Daddy and Skye went on a trike ride (she can almost ride it) when they stopped for some exploration of the rocks and mud.

Skye and I chilling on the sofa!