August 30, 2010

Learning Story

At school, my teacher helped me tell my "Learning Story." She created this great poster about what I said!
For some reason, we had a difficult time getting the size right and things got blurry. Here is a more clear copy of the text:

Best Form of Flattery?

"Children have never been very good at listening to their elders, but they have never failed to imitate them."
-- James Arthur Baldwin

Maybe both Mairin and I are spending too much time on the computer...

August 27, 2010

So It Begins

I am starting to handle the guitar a little better and understand the concept of strumming. I hope someday I can play and sing with my daddy.

August 26, 2010

Just Hangin'

My daddy was home sick today, so here are a few quick pics of me hanging out in my new playroom, listening to some Andrew Bird.

More Anthony and Kelly

As I mentioned in the last post, Anthony and Kelly came to visit and here we are at the Botanical Gardens in Bogor.
Here is Anthony reading me my bedtime story!

As you can see, he has already seen me grow so much!

Anthony and Kelly

This last weekend my daddy's friends Anthony and Kelly were visiting and we had all sorts of fun.

Kelly was so nice, she played with us for five days straight. We already miss her so much.

Anthony is not used to being around kids, but he did his best and eventually was great as well!

Thanks guys. Hope to see you again soon.

August 19, 2010

The Hokey Pokey and Other Fun Things

I am starting to move beyond pure baby food and can swallow some smaller bits of food. I still only have the bud of one tiny tooth, but I will eat anything you put in front of me,

See look, POP right in the mouth!

Unlike the picky eaters in my family, like Kaia and my mommy, I will eat anything. I love food.

Meanwhile Kaia was....

I was working on some art craft time while Skye ate dinner and my mommy made Quesadillas for dinner.

Oh, and I was dressed up in the traditional Iranian village costume my grandpa brought for me.

You can see some of the carpets and other things in our house now. We will send more pics soon. The place feels great.

Finally, I learned this song in school today and wanted to share...

August 15, 2010


Enjoying a mint cookie treat after dinner before bed.

Sunshine Morning

A few pictures without much to say.

August 11, 2010

Using A Knife

My daddy has started to teach me how to use a sharp knife.

There are three rules:

1. Always pay attention.
2. Watch the tip and my eyes.
3. Know where my fingers are at all times.

Piece of cake. I am a cutting pro.

August 08, 2010

Playing With Photobooth

My daddy and I were playing with photobooth. It is so much fun. Here we are acting silly and scary.

Happy and nice.


Then my daddy walked away and told me to play on my own. Here are some pics I took:

Then I brought Skyelar over to take a few more.

Father's note: Kaia took charge and stood Skyelar up. After every shot, she would say, "Ooohh that's a cute one!" It was amazing watching her maneuver Photobooth.

Sunday Art Project

My daddy, Skyelar, and I had lots of fun painting some canvasses for my room. We used stencils and acrylic paints. I am very tidy and keep my space very clean. I paint carefully, but Skye keeps getting in the way.

August 07, 2010

Sick Day

My daddy said it was a good idea to take these pictures of me sick, because if we are documenting my life on the blog then we should have pictures of all my moods, not just the happy shinny ones, but I say..blaaaaaahhhhhhhh to that!

I have had a minor ear infection for a few days. Can't sleep well, slight fever, and general malaise.

I lay around on the couch, watch TV, and complain.

It does not feel good. Although I am happy to say that it is almost over. I hope to be ready for the first day of school. I will send you pictures of my new uniform. In the meantime, I will get some rest.